Welcome from the Henry Clay Center (HCC)

The Henry Clay Center works with current and future leaders to honestly, critically, and intelligently reflect on matters of national significance; debate the merits of those issues, and ultimately find the strength of character needed to arrive at a compromise and solve the problems that hinder America’s process of continual improvement for all Americans.

The Center’s educational mission is to help foster and facilitate the ongoing reflection and engagement, by all Americans, needed to transform the tone of our country’s national discourse and improve how we as Americans approach – and ultimately overcome – ideological divisions for the greater good.

Our Mission

To transform the tone of our country’s national discourse. We do not seek to change partisan minds, but rather to inspire current and future leaders to emulate the political legacy of Henry Clay by listening to each other, debating matters of significance, and finding common ground through compromise.

Our Vision

To become the preeminent institution for advancing character building skills and values that underpin the traditional notion of statesmanship. In this capacity, the Henry Clay Center will become a leading facilitator of the national debate around matters of consequence with an overarching aim of encouraging civil dialogue to achieve resolution through compromise. In time, the Center hopes to become the go-to institution for educating on these topics, identifying expertise in this space, and driving the dialogue needed to resolve the differences that hinder our national unity.

History of Henry Clay Center

Our Values

The Henry Clay Center recognizes the inherent complexity of Henry Clay’s legacy and commits to promoting three core character values in everything we do.


A commitment to the truth must shape all debate and discourse,
political and otherwise.


In an age of vitriol and division, civil discourse has never been more vital for the future of American democracy and society.


Honest and civil discourse requires a willingness to listen to those with whom you differ; the determination to face uncomfortable truths; the strength to stand by your convictions and to admit when you have been wrong; and, at the end of the day, the willingness to compromise in order to solve problems.

Meet the team that makes the Henry Clay Center possible.

The Henry Clay Center provides successful programs thanks largely to our active leadership, sponsors, and alumni. Without their efforts and contributions, our foundation would not be the preeminent institution that prepares future leaders in statesmanship. Learn more about the people that keep our congresses successful each year.

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