11 Apr May 22, 2019 – Bourbon Barrel of Compromise
2019 Bourbon Barrel of Compromise
Almost 200 years ago, Henry Clay arrived in Washington, D.C. with the belief that despite their differences, Americans must be willing to talk with each other. To assist him in starting conversation, he brought with him one of his state’s most iconic products – a barrel of Kentucky bourbon – believing bourbon could “lubricate the wheels of government.” His legacy of holding court at the Round Robin Bar in the Willard Intercontinental Hotel survives today. To honor that legacy, the Henry Clay Center for Statesmanship holds a biennial Bourbon Barrel of Compromise (BBoC) Reception at the Willard, where we bring current and future leaders of our country, from all sides of the political spectrum, to share in conversation and, of course, bourbon.
Join us
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Willard Intercontinental Hotel
Washington, D.C.
Our reception will feature the 50 members of our College Student Congress (one rising senior from each state), as well as invited guests, senior leaders in both the U.S. House and Senate, and sponsors and friends of the Henry Clay Center. The reception serves to remind us that we are all one country, one people, with a common destiny, and that we must instill these values upon our leaders of tomorrow.
For Sponsor Information and to RSVP, please email hccsbourbonbarrel@gmail.com