18 Sep October 19, 2019 – Clay Summit on Kentucky Pensions
Students from Kentucky colleges and universities tackle the state’s pension crisis in a collaborative policy development challenge
Join the Henry Clay Center in Lexington, Kentucky on October 19th for the culminating event of the Clay Summit on Kentucky Pensions!
Teams of undergraduates from universities across Kentucky are participating in this weekend conference centered on bipartisan discussion of key issues in the current debate around Kentucky’s pension systems. These teams have been challenged to look at the economic, budgetary, and political dynamics at work in the pension systems, and to collaborate to create inclusive policy recommendations on how to move forward with reform in the state. On Saturday, October 19th, participants will share their findings in a free, public presentation on the campus of the University of Kentucky.
In the spirit of Henry Clay, the “Great Compromiser,” these student leaders are working to identify common ground for the common good. The Clay Summit on Kentucky Pensions is an opportunity for these students to show the Commonwealth, and the nation, that civil discourse among different perspectives is possible, even around the most divisive and contentious issues. The Henry Clay Center invites you to support these future leaders as they elevate political discourse, promote collaboration, and inspire a way forward for all Kentuckians.
Universities represented included Transylvania University, Western Kentucky University, University of Louisville, University of Kentucky, Morehead State, and more! The Henry Clay Center is also excited to partner with the League of Women Voters of Lexington, who will provide opportunities for voter
registration on site at the event.
Engage with Kentucky’s future leaders and join us with your friends at this memorable event!
Saturday, October 19, 2019
9:00 AM to 11:30 AM
University of Kentucky, Gatton College of Business and Economics