Ann Bakhaus
Alex Boone
Jim Boyd
Robert and Blythe Clay
Bill and Ann Giles
John and Donna Hall
Hillary Boone Foundation
H. McGuire “Mac” and Michele-Anne Riley
William T. Young, Jr.
Josephine Abercrombie Foundation
Helen Alexander
Bob Babbage
James and Deborah Bean
Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Cowgill, Jr.
G. Watts and Sally Humphrey
Charlie Grizzle
John McCarty
Oxley Foundation
Rosenstein Family Charitable Foundation
John and Magdalene Stewart
Derek Vaughan
Craig Bandoroff
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bruckheimer
Linda Carey
Catherine Woodford Clay
Jennifer and Wes Coffman
Cornelia Dozier Cooper
Brad and Margaret Cowgill
Larry and Martha Deener
James and Patricia Host
Ben Kaufmann
Dr. Charles E. Martin
Bob and Ginny May
Robert E. Milward
Brooke Pardue
Marby Schlegel
Mary F. Vaughan
Kyle and Laura Williams
Dr. Byron Young
To learn more about sponsorship opportunities, giving levels, and other ways to support the Henry Clay Center, please contact our office or email our staff at