Nebraska – Luke McDermott

Luke McDermott




Omaha, Nebraska
University of Nebraska at Lincoln

Luke McDermott is a first-generation second-year undergraduate at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, triple majoring in political science, economics, and history with a certificate in public policy. He holds university leadership positions as the Government Liaison Committee Director of ASUN Student Government and Chairperson of the Husker Vote Coalition. Additionally, he is a student researcher at the Digital Legal Research Lab, encoding historical habeas corpus cases of marginalized peoples. His interest in state politics, especially policies concerning LGBTQ individuals, stems from his experience as a Legislative Page at the Nebraska Unicameral. Luke intends to pursue law school after graduation, focusing on labor and employment law and legal history. His research focuses on the intersection of constitutionalism, labor, and the law. Later this summer, Luke will serve as a Congressional Intern with the Victory Institute.